Dr Marilyn Joyce : Cancer Survivor_ Discusses Healthy Diet and Juice Plus

If you have someone you love and care about just like us then share this!

Check out the Video at the bottom – Please!

Its not about making money its about helping people,

2 months ago my mother (David’s Mother) could not make a fist because of her arthritis.

I got a phone call yesterday saying you will never guess what, I can make a fist, the first time in years.

It just goes to show that your body really really does repair itself.

I wish I had found this before my father had cancer and passed away, Maybe just maybe I could have extended his life a little more.

Share and learn

If you would like more information please let me know and I will show you how we can really and I mean really help you, your family and you friends.

This is the most researched health product in the world, check it out!! do you research.

Click here for more information

And.. Remember we have a 24 hour 365 world wide mentor and support network. That is massive in itself. NO body else offers this… Our JP family is amazing.


Its your life – Make it complete

It’s your life – Make it complete

Many people would like to make small changes to their lifestyles but rarely do anything about it.

We are here to support you in your journey should you decide to break the habit and make those changes.

We are here 24 hours a day every day of the year with our unparalleled support network. There is nothing better than someone showing us and telling us the results that they have obtained using Juice Plus+®

There is no reason why tomorrow can’t be that day that you make those changes

Below the video are just some of the effects of this amazing product.

Should you feel that you want to become a part of our family please leave us a message, or check out our website for more information



If you want to enjoy any of the benifits listed please drop us a message

If you want to enjoy any of the benefits listed please drop us a message

Smoothie Recipie with Juice Plus+

Chocolate Deliciousness


3/4 Cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond
3/4 Cup Frozen Cherries
1 Tablespoon Almond Butter
1 Tablespoon Oats
1 Scoop JP Chocolate Complete
Dump everything in your blender. Blend
until smooth, or reaches your favorite
consistency. Amounts are approximate.
Check the consistency after blending for
about 15 seconds. Add more liquid if you
like it more like a drink. Add more “stuff” if
you like it more like a milkshake. Enjoy!